More books, articles, blogs, podcasts and other forms of communication have focused on the role of leadership in recent decades than most any other subject....
Breaking news is a commonly used headline for some current event that demands our attention. Many times breaking news breaks our hearts. This was the...
This conversation is a transcript from One Mission Podcast. If you would like to listen to this episode, visit ALSBOM Podcasts. Rick Lance: Hello listeners, and...
Around Christmas, the song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year,” is very popular. Not to put Christmas down, I love it, but my favorite...
This conversation is a transcript from One Mission Podcast. If you would like to listen to this episode, visit ALSBOM Podcasts. Dr. Rick Lance: Hello listeners...
This conversation is a transcript from One Mission Podcast. If you would like to listen to this episode, visit ALSBOM Podcasts. Rick Lance: Welcome to One...
As Alabama Baptists, we know what being on mission is. It involves praying, giving, and going; that’s at least what it involves. Praying is important....
Well, hello again, Alabama Baptists, and you and I know that this is February the month of love. Well, the word love is used in...
This conversation is a transcript from One Mission Podcast. If you would like to listen to this episode, visit ALSBOM Podcasts. Rick Lance: Hello. I’m...
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