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The shock and horror of this barbaric attack on Israel by Hamas has stunned our world and our churches. Beheading babies, mutilating senior adults, sexually...

Close-up fragment of a world map with selective focus on Jordan, Jerusalem, Israel, Iraq, Kuwait

Recent horrific events related to the attacks of Hamas on innocent people in Israel has caught the attention of the world and broken our hearts...

National flag of Israel

Breaking news is a commonly used headline for some current event that demands our attention. Many times breaking news breaks our hearts. This was the...

Alabama Baptists, I invite you to join together on Sunday, November 1, 2020, for a special Statewide Day of Prayer for Our Nation, especially for spiritual awakening and...

Every year, many of our churches have a time in which they pray for our students, teachers/professors and administrators as schools, colleges and universities open...

Video Transcript: If you’re like me you never tire of reflecting upon the Lord’s Prayer, there’s always something new we can learn. As you know,...

I never tire of reflecting upon the Lord’s Prayer. There is always something new we can learn. We have been focusing on the Lord’s Prayer...

I have always enjoyed praying the Bible. There is never a tired moment, a weary moment, that I don’t think about the Psalms as being...

Video Transcript: We are all pre-schoolers when in comes to prayer. We never graduate. We never become PHD’s in prayer. We are always learning the...

We are all preschoolers when it comes to prayer. We never graduate. We never become “Ph.D.s” in prayer. We are always learning the basics over...