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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Why An Evangelism Conference?

For many decades, Alabama Baptists have been blessed by the annual event known as the State Evangelism Conference. I have referred to it as a “flagship” event for our family of churches.

Indeed, it is.

I am praying for my state missionary colleague, Rob Jackson, as he gives leadership through your State Board of Missions’ Office of Evangelism & Church Revitalization.

In the past, the ministries of evangelism and church revitalization were in separate offices, but they are together now because without evangelism a local congregation cannot be truly revitalized.

Without personal evangelism – namely that pastors, staff and other members will share the Gospel outside the church building – it is highly unlikely that a church will grow numerically and be revitalized by an infusion of new souls that have trusted Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Without a stress on personal evangelism from the pulpit – as the preacher shares the plan of salvation and encourages others to do so – it is also unlikely that the church’s members will be revitalized with a necessary commitment to tell others about the joy of salvation.

So, why a State Evangelism Conference? It’s all because lost people need to hear the Gospel. Who will tell them if we do not? Romans 10:17 reminds us: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (NKJV).

Come ready to be encouraged to share your faith in Christ. This year’s speakers include these choice servants of Christ: Phil Waldrep, Tim Dowdy and Scott Dawson. Charles Billingsley will serve as worship leader, and Frank Jones will minister from the piano.

I hope to see you next week at Lakeside Baptist Church in Birmingham on January 26-27. Click here for many more details, including break-outs led by Tim Dowdy, Dustin Bruce, Tim Beougher, Sammy Gilbreath, Mark Gainey and Dewayne Rembert.

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