Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

VBS is a Blessing!

VBS is a blessing! You have read before how much I appreciate the ministry of outreach realized every year through Vacation Bible School. It is arguably the single most important evangelistic and discipleship experience available to churches during the course of a given year.

Think about it. How many times a year do you have this many people involved in a Christ-centered effort of reaching people and teaching them? That in itself is a major undertaking with enormous potential for life-changing experiences, not only for children but for adults too.

As a pastor, I always felt that VBS was to be a major commitment on my part. I wanted to be in town, involved and engaged in the efforts of impacting the lives of children, youth and adults. It was not a chore for me, but rather it was a joy!
My wife has been engaged with VBS at our church. I watched her prepare for the experience pouring hours of time into the preparation for leadership. I have enjoyed hearing her describe how her class, about 18 in number, has responded to the western theme and the Christ-centered teaching.

Other reports are coming to me about the exciting results being realized in local churches all across the state. This is a blessing to hear, because VBS is a blessing. I thank God for it and praise Him for the labor of love given by so many in Alabama Baptist life, so that others might know the love of Jesus Christ. That is an eternal blessing!

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