Well, hello again, Alabama Baptists. Let me remind you of something that I think is very important and significant in Alabama Baptist Life, and that is our annual Myers-Mallory State Missions offering. The week of prayer is September 10-17.
The Myers-Mallory State Mission’s offering augments, supplements the Great Commission efforts we have in our CP budget. What it does is undergirds more than half of the Woman’s Missionary Union here in Alabama, as well as it supports Disaster Relief, which is an ongoing concern especially as we look to the hurricane season. It helps support church planting in Alabama and beyond, church revitalization, which is a growing emphasis at the state board missions, and furthermore, global missions.
As you know, Alabama Baptists have always been missional in our character. We are related to people all across the world, and yes, right here in North America who claim Alabama as ties. We also have partnerships in places like Alaska and other areas of ministry. So, in supporting the Myers-Mallory State Mission’s Offering you’re helping to fuel the mission of the Great Commission in Alabama Baptist life and beyond.
Remember to be praying for your state missionaries. We’re here because we’ve been called by God and we’re glad to be a part of the Alabama Baptist family, especially as we remember the Giants of Faith, Martha Myers, who gave her life for Christ in Yemen and the legendary Kathleen Mallory as she served so faithfully in her day. The Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering. Our eighth year and we’re still growing. God bless you.