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Sent By The Lord in 2016

Consider the word “sent.”

We’re all sent as believers and followers of Jesus Christ to be on mission with the Great Commission.

Sent by Christ to Minister and Make Disciples

The year 2016 is a good time to be reminded that we are sent. I’ve chosen as my verses for this year two from John’s Gospel (HCSB):

  • John 17:18: “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”
  • John 20:21: “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’”

As we look together toward ministry opportunities in 2016 and beyond and as we minister in Kingdom service, may we be always reminded:

  • We are sent by Jesus Christ.
  • We have the Great Commission.
  • The Great Commission is all about making disciples. We are sent to make disciples for Christ.

If your State Board of Missions can assist your Alabama Baptist congregation with Great Commission Ministries, please feel free to call upon us.

Sent to Evangelize in a Changing Culture

For the first time ever, the State Board of Missions is sponsoring a conference on The Church and Sexuality on Monday, February 29, 10 a.m.-3:45 p.m. — immediately preceding the annual State Evangelism Conference (SEC), which will begin the same evening.

Both events will be held at First Baptist Church of Montgomery. The SEC will feature a strong lineup of preachers who will encourage us to share Christ with others. Detailed information, including the list of speakers, may be found online at

The Church & Sexuality Conference will feature keynote speakers Timothy George and Russell Moore as well as two panel discussions and nine breakout sessions led by pastors and other Christian leaders.

These speakers will be calling us to respond to sexual issues with biblical wisdom and Christlike compassion.

Our culture is changing rapidly, but the Word of God never changes. We must remain true to its teachings and exhort others to do the same.

For more information on this conference and to register, check online at

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