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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Praying for State Missions

By now, you’ve hopefully heard a great deal about the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering, now in its third year. The gifts received help support five Great Commission Ministries: Alabama WMU, Disaster Relief, Church Planting, Partnership Missions and Church Revitalization.

In addition to the offering, these Great Commission Ministries are strengthened and undergirded by the Week of Prayer for State Missions, scheduled this year for September 9-16. The highlighted stories and prayer points in this year’s Prayer Guide will certainly inspire you but hopefully also motivate you to action.

You’ll meet a college sophomore who already has more missions experience than many will have in a lifetime, thanks in part to two generations of missions leaders who have invested in her.

You’ll learn how First Baptist, New Brockton, received encouragement through a church revitalization effort and how First Baptist, Monroeville, is connecting to an unreached people group a half a world away through an Alabama Journeyman.

You’ll see firsthand how disaster relief volunteers are helping bring hope and healing to families from Alabama to Texas and Florida to Puerto Rico and beyond, and how participants at two Alabama WMU events helped enrich the lives and ministries of our nearly 80 Alabama church planters.

If you haven’t already, please download your church’s promotional and educational materials at Then plan to participate in the Week of Prayer for State Missions September 9-16 or whenever best fits your church’s calendar.

And last, please give sacrificially to the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering, knowing that your gift will have an eternal Kingdom impact.

For more information about the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering and Week of Prayer for State Missions or to request resources, please contact Kathryn Helms, 1-800- 264-1225, ext. 325; (334) 613-2325; [email protected]; or visit

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