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Times of prayer with other believers are always special, not because of who we are but because of our Lord’s promise that where two or three (or more) are gathered, He is there among us.

This was certainly the case on Wednesday, March 25, when more than 470 Alabama Baptists met online for a time of intercession.

For most who participated — maybe all — it was the first time to meet online for prayer with such so many fellow believers. Many have expressed to me that the time was a blessing to them, and it was for me as well.

We prayed with H.O.P.E.: for the Health of people during the pandemic, for God to show us Opportunities of ministry, for People in key leadership roles and for Encouragement as a much-needed ministry for believers toward others.

Now I would offer another invitation to pray together online. This one will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 1. All in our family of churches are invited: pastors, associational missionaries, staff ministers and any Alabama Baptist believer who would join us online with a heart of prayer.

During the online Call to Prayer on April 1, we will be guided by God’s Word in Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV): “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

We will be praying for ourselves and other believers, asking God to:

Pardon us from sins, especially the sin of pride.

Renew us so that we can be faithful servants for You.

Admonish us so that we will have a heart of wisdom.

Yoke us together in sacrifice and service.

Plans are for the prayer time to conclude within 20 minutes. I hope many of you will join us for this special season of prayer as we ask for God’s help during this uniquely challenging time in our state, nation, and world.

(Click here for more information on how to connect.)

Rick Lance
Matt. 6:33

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