The following is a transcript of the most recent monthly video.
Well, the weather is still hot, but technically, for church life, we’re in the fall, which leads me to an emphasis on our Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering.
As you probably know, September 9th through 16 is our week of prayer, and we’re praying that we reach and exceed that million dollar goal and go toward the hallelujah goal of 1.25 million.
Let me remind you of the five emphases our partners and missions, Alabama WMU, Disaster Relief, the Yellow Shirt Army, this are one of the ways in which we support that ministry, alongside the quality program.
And church planting. you hear a lot about it. It takes funds to do that and Alabama, we’re focused on trying to begin helping churches and help them along the way as they get beyond the embryonic stage in their church life.
Partnership Missions, helping Alabama Baptist to have an Acts one, eight strategy, here in Alabama, and around the world.
Church Revitalization, helping churches produce. They reproduce themselves. That’s all wrapped up in the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering.
And I wanna remind you that we’re in our third year but we’re delighted to be able to say that we’re hopeful that this is going to be the best yet. And we look forward to your church participating.
Pam and I’ve already given our gift to Myers-Mallory. You consider doing so because together we can make a world of difference in a world that needs a difference made.