Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

June 2022

Well, as you well know, around Christmas, there is a song, a secular song that reverberates through the minds of us. We sing it often. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That reminds us of the celebration of Christmas, but I believe this is the most wonderful time of year in the sense of vacation Bible school and local churches.

I’m looking forward to hearing reports of outstanding experiences for boys and girls and adults in vacation Bible school. You know, my real endearment toward Vacation Bible School. It’s a part of my testimony in terms of my conversion experience. It began to really inculcate within me the need to know Christ. I pray that happens all over this state, that we’re able to share the gospel and that people like I was as a young boy might hear perhaps for the first time in the way that it makes sense the understanding of what it means to know, to follow Jesus Christ.

I invite you, Alabama Baptist, to maximize this experience in vacation Bible school so that we can increase the population of heaven and decrease the population of hell. Have a good time. It’s the most wonderful time for vacation Bible school.

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