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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

July 2020

As we continue the pandemic journey together, Executive Director Rick Lance brings a word of encouragement and thanks to Alabama Baptists in his monthly video greeting.


Well hello again, Alabama Baptist. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to share with you, and I hope you are safe and healthy during this time in which we’re dealing with the pandemic.

I wanna congratulate you, Alabama Baptist, on how you’ve handled this extraordinary time in our history. We have heard reports from across our state, 12,000 contacts collectively, our staff have reached out to people like you, asking how things are going, and we have been so pleased to hear that online worship and online giving, drive-up worship, and now some in-person-type worship, that is going very well.

We thank God for it. In the future, we know there’ll be a day when we’re able to come to some degree of new reality or new normalcy, but until then we know that God has blessed us even in this period of challenge and difficulty, and I thank God for that, and I thank you for being a part of the Alabama Baptist team. Thank you, and God bless you.

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