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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Join us at the State Evangelism Conference

Video Transcript:

Rick Lance: Sharing hope. That is the theme of this year’s Evangelism Conference, as we look forward to February 23 and 24 at Heritage Baptist Church.

New kind of schedule, we begin on Sunday night and go through Monday. You can go online and look and see the featured speakers, but we’re glad to be able to have again, Robert Smith, Michael Catt, among many others with the addition of Andrew Peterson, who’s a pretty well-known music artist in his own right.

We look forward to seeing you there, but before we leave, I’d like to take an opportunity to introduce to you our new Evangelism Office Director. He will be leading us in a strategic way in evangelism for the years to come. It’s a new day in evangelism in Alabama.

Now, this is a baton that I’ve received among many others years ago, when Adrian Rogers had passed off the scene, and it was a reminder that we are to carry the baton of evangelism and reaching people. I give this symbolically to Daniel because he’s taking up the baton of leadership. You pray for him, and he wants to say a quick word to you.

Daniel Wilson: Thank you, Dr. Lance, and I do covet your prayers as I enter into this new role, and I realize that I’m following in the footsteps and standing on the shoulders of great men of God, who have held this position before me. I’d love to meet you.

I hope that you’ll come up at the Evangelism Conference and introduce yourself to me. I’m looking forward to building relationships and doing all I can to encourage the work of evangelism across Alabama. Together, let’s tell that good news of Jesus’ wonderful love and grace.

Rick Lance: Sharing hope. Heritage, February 23 and 24. Look forward to seeing you. Thank you, Alabama Baptist.

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