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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Happy New Year!

Video Transcript:

Happy New Year, Alabama Baptist.

This is an opportunity for us, not only to begin a new year but to be formally introduced to new leadership. I’m talkin’ about the leadership at The Alabama Baptist. Jennifer Rash, she is our new leader, and she’s going to come and say a word, and we’re going to join together in praying for her. But Jennifer, if you’ll say a word to your Alabama Baptist Family.

Thank you, Dr. Lance. Thank you, Alabama Baptist, thank you for your confidence. I am super excited about this new opportunity. And I ask that you pray for our staff, you pray for the ministry of The Alabama Baptist, and please, pray for me personally.

Alabama Baptist, it is a new day at The Alabama Baptist and a new year for us. And together, we can make a difference in a world that needs a difference made.

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