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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

February 2025

Well, hello again, Alabama Baptists! I know you are real busy, but let me mention a few dates of interest that I think will be a compelling time to focus upon as we go into the next month or so. First, February 20, at First Baptist, Montgomery, we are hosting again, another MinistrySafe training. There will be a basic training for newcomers and, for those of you who have already gone through the training, there’ll be an advanced track as well. So mark your calendars. It’s an opportunity to be prepared for things that might come, hopefully not, but being prepared is much better.

Looking ahead to March 16, we have the 3:16 emphasis. It’s an Engage 3:16 where we’re trying to focus on an intentional effort to preach the evangelistic messages of the gospel, and hopefully, on the next Sunday, on 3:23 (just like in John 3:16, there was a baptism mentioned in John 3:23) we’re hoping that’d be Baptism Sunday. And the following Sunday, of course, we can emphasize, “He must increase, we must then decrease” John 3:30.

Before I leave you, let me remind you, it is not too early to be preparing for the greatest evangelistic opportunity your church may have, and that is to have a very effective Vacation Bible School. God bless.

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