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Experiencing Easter in Extraordinary Times

Experiencing Easter in extraordinary times. Similar thoughts have likely been resonating in the minds of many believers. They certainly have been in mine.

Churches are finding creative, God-given ways to celebrate worship online and gather for Bible study using video conferencing options.

The first two online Call to Prayer events were remarkable times of shared concern and of fellowship with more than 400 Alabama Baptists participating each week.

On Wednesday, April 8, your State Board of Missions will host the third online Call to Prayer, inviting any Alabama Baptist to join us for this time of intercession.

We’ll be in the midst of Holy Week when we gather to pray this Wednesday. The word LOVE and the letters it contains will help lead our thoughts to a very specific kind of praying.

L represents love, of course. Love the Lord with your whole being, and love one another as the Lord loves us. John 15:13 (NKJV) tells us, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

O reminds to pray for openness to God’s wisdom, as we seek to lead and be led during this time of uncertainty.

V can stand for victory in our Lord Jesus Christ through His Resurrection, the very thing we celebrate at Easter and all year long. We need to thank God for that victory of the gift of life in Christ.

E leads us to pray for a keener and better engagement in our community and our world during this time, so that we’ll do things in a way we’ve never dreamed of before.

Let’s really put love to action as we have our Call to Prayer at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. I hope you can join with us, as we experience Easter in extraordinary times.

For more information on how to join us online, please visit https://alsbom.org/event/online-call-to-prayer/.

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