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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

December 2024

What does the world come to? That is a question that’s been asked for generations when we face chaotic confusion in our current events or the crisis of some episodic event, which happens. But I’d like to ask another question this Christmas, what has come to the world? And we know at Christmas we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ, God in flesh, came to this world. And in so doing, He has given us eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrecting from the grave confirmed all of that. And a great declaration that He is alive can be echoed across the ages. He’s coming again, but right now we look at His first coming.

We thank the Lord God Himself for giving us the gift of Jesus. At this Christmas season, the way we can celebrate it best is to give ourselves one tangible way. A genuine, tangible way would be the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Alabama Baptists, we have a $12 million goal. I think we’ll make it. I pray that we’ll exceed it. The national goal is $205 million. This is an opportunity in the name of Jesus, celebrating His birth, to give so others may know the gift of life.

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