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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Communicating in 280 Characters

During the past 10 years, I’ve been on a journey – along with millions of other people in the 21st century – of social media involvement.

Since I joined Twitter in December 2008, it has been humbling and a privilege to watch numerical growth to more than 4,300 followers for the @ricklance account.

One of the interesting aspects of writing posts for Twitter has been the challenge of word economy. Until late 2017, Twitter only allowed 140 characters per tweet. Many a writer can tell you that it’s often much more challenging to “write short.”

For several months, the Twitter limit has stood at 280 characters, and it’s possible sometimes to post a brief paragraph with less necessity for telegraphic-type wording. Sometimes it can be an interesting exercise to look back over your social media postings from the past few months. For me, it not only becomes a catalog of my life but also a reminder of what God is teaching me.

Below are a few examples of some of my Twitter postings during recent months:

1 Corinthians 4:1-2

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