Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Call to Prayer - Week 3

Experiencing Easter in extraordinary times. That may be a question on your mind. It has been on mine.

We’re finding creative, God-given ways to celebrate the worship time that we have together, online and in Zoom calls for Sunday school classes and small groups.

As we look toward our time of prayer together, our online call to prayer, the word “love” comes to mind in this holy week. I’d like for these letters to lead our thoughts in a very specific kind of praying.

L represents love, of course. Love the Lord, your God, with your whole being and love one another as he loves us.

O. It represents a need for us to pray for openness to God’s wisdom as we seek to lead and be led during this time of uncertainty.

V. Who could celebrate this time of Easter without thinking about the victory in our Lord Jesus Christ through his resurrection? We need to thank God for that victory of the gift of life in Christ.

E. We need to pray for a keener and better engagement in our community and in our world during this time so that we’ll do things in a way we’ve never dreamed of before.

Let’s really put the love to action as we have our call to prayer, Wednesday, ten o’clock in the morning, let’s join together. Experiencing Easter in extraordinary times.

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