Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

August 2023

Well, in the old days, they had school bells much, much bigger than this one. Yet it can be a symbol, a reminder, that school is about to start again, no matter what the age. From the various young student all the way through the college age, students will be returning in a matter of days to their place of learning. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to do several things to help them.

First, and not to be trite, but ever true, we need to pray for them. The idea of doing a prayer walk around your schools, if you can do that, in your neighborhood or in your area. If you’re in a college community, a prayer drive around the campus would be good; praying for each and every student as they go. Well, we know we live in a hostile culture and one that they have to deal with and problems they face in these formative years, so earnestly immerse them in prayer the days to come.

Then one-on-one, do your best to encourage students. Today, more than ever, young people need encouragement, like all of us. But they’re in those years of life when they’re trying to determine a worldview, and we can encourage them in faith to look toward Jesus Christ as the ultimate guide for their path.

So encourage them, pray for them, and then, when you can, teach them, mentor them in faith. If they don’t know Christ, of course, the obvious thing is to begin that journey and help them to do so. But once they become believers, we know that Satan begins to attack them in greater fashion. So to train them, teach them, mentor them in these days ahead would be a good, great commission ministry on the part of each and every one of us.

You can remember that: P.E.T. Pray, encourage, teach or train. Let’s not look at at them like pets, but let’s have a priority on them to pray for them, encourage them, and to teach them. This is also a great time to remember our Alabama Baptist Campus Ministers in various locations and four-year colleges across the state. They do a yeoman’s work in being able to minister to those who are leaving home for the first time and transition between what we might call adolescence to adulthood. Those are very impressionable years, and those campus ministers are tremendous influences. Remember to pray for them as well.

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