Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

A Rally for Biblical Marriage

A few observations from today’s Alabama for Marriage Rally at the State Capitol:

  • The rally had the message of “speaking the truth in love.” Culture may not understand that biblical balance, but it is real!
  • Protesters were treated with dignity and respect. Salt and light are our calling.
  • John Killian spoke boldly about the need for prayer. I am appreciative of his witness!
  • Joe Godfrey stood tall in defining biblically what marriage is. He chose passages from the Old and New Testaments: a strong, clear word.

Coincidentally, today marks the close of Alabama Baptists’ “40 Days of Prayer for Moral and Spiritual Awakening Focusing on Biblical Marriage.” Though this time frame is complete, the need for prayer is not.

As we await a key ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that may well impact the sanctity of biblical marriage throughout our nation, the need for Christians to pray fervently and faithfully is still needed and very evident.

Your State Board of Missions’ Office of Leadership & Church Health (State Missionary Mike Jackson, director) provides ongoing leadership for Alabama Baptists related to prayer ministry. If we may assist your congregation in this vital area of the Christian life, please contact us at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 210, or (334) 613-2210, mjackson@alsbom.org.

In addition, I would reaffirm my appreciation and support for Alabama Citizens Action Program (ALCAP): “Alabama’s Moral Compass.” In these challenging times for our nation and state from a moral and ethical perspective, ALCAP’s executive director, Joe Godfrey, provides proactive leadership and much-needed influence toward governing officials in Montgomery.

ALCAP may be contacted through its website at http://www.alcap.com or by phone at (205) 982-9062.

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