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Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

A Prayer for the New Year

Lord, as we your children embrace the prospects of a New Year of ministry in your name, I pray that each one of us will ask for wisdom like daily bread to be consumed for nourishment. The opportunities before us are unknown to us and, that in itself can cause concern and anxiety, but knowing that you never leave us or forsake us, offers immeasurable assurance for the challenges we face.

Father, we need the wisdom that only you can give to us. We need the wisdom that comes from walking with you daily and learning from you through the experiences of life. This wisdom can teach us to be patient when life seems to be moving to slowly in terms of our own agendas. Your wisdom afforded to us can also give us courage to change our behavior when it is not Christ-honoring.
As the New Year faces us over the horizon of time, help us to see it in the bite size pieces of daily living and not in the chunks of time we call weeks and months. Teach us to number our days so that we will develop a heart of wisdom. Remind us to ask in faith so that your daily dose of wisdom can come like a helpful prescription from the divine pharmacy of heaven.

As we walk in wisdom through the opportunities of 2007, may we understand that life is a journey to be lived in fellowship with You and others who know You and love You. Let this experience be an act of daily worship of You and an act of daily fellowship with Your people. Although we are not promised tomorrow, we trust for the gift of life as we have it in Jesus. It is in His name we make this prayer, amen.

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