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A Brief Blog About a Faithful Witness

Today, we said goodbye to State Missionary Keith Loomis. The last time I saw Keith, I asked him how he was doing, his answer says it all: “I am blessed.” Many others, myself included, have likewise been blessed in so many ways by our Lord, including for having known His servant, Keith Loomis.

In the words of the Apostle Paul, Keith “fought the good fight, finished the course, kept the faith.” Throughout his struggle and health challenges, Keith was a consistent Christian witness who never lost the joy of the Lord. He indeed was a faithful husband, father, state missionary and child of God.

Especially memorable during the funeral service were Keith’s own words via video: “The focus is not the end of the journey but on the purpose of serving our Lord.” Also moving was a worthy tribute from Keith’s sons, Kyle, Kaleb and Karson.

In addition to his Christ-like service as a state missionary and an associate in our Office of Collegiate & Student Ministries, Keith Loomis was a major prime mover behind “World Changers,” which touches so many lives. Indeed, Keith was a world changer!

To say that he will be missed is an understatement. To say that he is now with His Lord is a true statement. I ask all Alabama Baptists to keep the Loomis family in your prayers during the weeks and months to come.

Though we say goodbye for now, soon we will say a heavenly hello to him.

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