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A Back-to-School Prayer Time

Every year, many of our churches have a time in which they pray for our students, teachers/professors and administrators as schools, colleges and universities open for the new school year.

This year, this time of prayer is needed more than ever due to the growing concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consider a special time to have this prayer emphasis during the next few weeks. Each area has a different schedule for school openings. This is also true for colleges and universities. Therefore, you can certainly find a time coinciding with the beginning of the school year for praying for those experiencing educational opportunities in person or online.

We at the State Board of Missions will be hosting a Back-to-School Prayer Time on Wednesday, August 12, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. We will have people praying for our students and their parents, as well as the teachers/professors and administrators.

Like online prayer times earlier this year, we will keep this to a 25-minute period to give people time to be a part of the experience and get back to their work.

For all my adult life, I have struggled with the notion that so many of us treat prayer as our last resort when it ought to be our first priority. We all believe in prayer, and this means we ought to be good examples of being prayer warriors.

This pandemic and the other challenges we face should drive us to prayer. We need to pray! Our country, state and local areas need our prayers! Let us commit now to pray for our students, teachers/professors, schools, colleges and universities.

Rick Lance
Matt. 6:33

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