Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Let's Pray

Let’s pray. Let’s really pray for the SBC Meeting in Dallas in just a matter of days.

Let’s begin by praying for the president of the Southern Baptist Convention and other presiding officers as they do their presiding over the convention. There’ll be a lot of potential matters that they’ll have to consider with the help of the parliamentarian, so pray for President Steve Gaines and the other vice presidents.

Pray for the presidential candidates. Whoever is elected will have to represent all of us, not some of us, but all of us, so pray for that individual.

Pray for the presentations which will be made at the convention. Every year, we enjoy hearing from the mission boards and our seminaries. This year will be no different.

There’s much kingdom work that often gets blurred and out of focus that needs to be brought into focus, and this is an opportunity for us to do just that as we listen to the heartbeat of who we are as Southern Baptists.

Let’s pray for the participants, everyone involved in the SBC Meeting, those who planned it, those who will attend as guests or visitors, but especially for the messengers. Let’s pray we’ll be on good behavior.

Most importantly, let’s pray for peace within our denominational family. I’m not talking about peace at any price, I’m talking about peace based on our common convictions and basic beliefs. I believe it was Oswald Chambers who said don’t pray for a greater work; prayer is the greater work.

Let’s be reminded of that as we look toward the SBC Meeting in Dallas.

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