Hello, Alabama Baptist. Well, we’re in October now, and it’s a good time for us to consider several important events. One is Pastor or Minister Appreciation Month. Take a moment and say thank you to your pastor, your ministers in some tangible form or fashion. Write a note, buy a little gift, take them out for a meal, that would be well-received.
Furthermore, it’s Cooperative Program Month, and would like to say to you, we appreciate the generosity and the sacrificial giving of Alabama Baptist. Through thick and thin, and ups and downs, you’ve been doing that through the years and we’re grateful.
The third consideration that I’d like for you to give, as we look to the near future, is our gathering. What we call a state convention, but it’s really a family reunion where we have to do some business. But it’s an opportune time for us this year, since we had to miss last year, to come together and have a family get together, and to consider what God has done and will do.
Pray for Jamie Dew, Dr. Jamie Dew who will be preaching for us, the President of New Orleans Seminary. And Christy Nockels, who will be doing special music on Tuesday evening. Remember we have an outstanding array of theme interpreters. And also pray for our President, Tim Cox, as he brings the convention message, as well as Jeff Meyers on the convention sub. Look forward to seeing you at our state convention. God bless you.