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2019 Annual Meeting to Focus on Fruitfulness

The 2019 annual meeting of the Alabama Baptist State Convention, our yearly family reunion of sorts, will give us a wonderful opportunity to turn our attention to John 15:5 and the topic of being fruitful in Kingdom service.

The convention meeting will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12-13, at Eastern Shore Baptist Church in Daphne.

Three theme interpreters will help us flesh out the “Fruitful” theme. One of our newest state missionaries, Annel Robayna, will speak on the aspect of “Abiding in Christ” during the Tuesday morning session. Jarman Leatherwood, a dynamic young church planter in the Huntsville area, will help us focus on “Bearing Fruit for Christ” during the afternoon session. Then Ben Stubblefield, pastor of First Baptist Church, Jackson, Ala., will present the final theme interpretation on the subject of “Relying Upon Christ.”

During my executive director’s report and the State Board of Missions report that follows, you’ll learn firsthand how your gifts through the Cooperative Program are bearing fruit through ministries here in Alabama and reaching around the world. You’ll also hear some important information about how Alabama Baptists will be moving into the next decade with a rededication to our one mission, the Great Commission, with a particular emphasis on reaching Alabama for Christ.

Reports from our entities during the Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning sessions will allow us to hear how those ministries are bearing fruit in the form of changed lives.

Rounding out the two days will be inspirational messages from Tim Cox, convention president and pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, Chelsea; Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo.; and Rick Marshall, retired pastor of Eastern Hills Baptist Church, Montgomery.

In addition, the exhibit hall will provide an excellent opportunity for you to interact directly with state missionaries, along with representatives from state and national SBC entities, to ask questions and learn about missions.

Please make plans to attend the annual meeting November 12-13 in Daphne. Visit for program details, a hotel list, information about being a messenger, and much more.

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