Leadership · MISSIONS · Evangelism

Call to Prayer - Final Week

Video Transcript:

If you’re like me you never tire of reflecting upon the Lord’s Prayer, there’s always something new we can learn. As you know, probably by now, we have been focusing on the Lord’s Prayer for the past two weeks in our Online Call to Prayer.

This next emphasis will be about praying for daily bread, that is a sustenance of life. And then of course, praying that we’ll have a forgiving spirit to forgive as we have been forgiven. Those are two very important needs in our lives, to remind ourselves, he is the bread of life and he gives us daily bread. He is the one who has forgiven us, and we are to be forgiving toward others.

I’ve enjoyed this time together on our Online Call to Prayer. And this next online experience will focus on those two petitions, daily bread, forgiving spirit. And then it will be the concluding time that we’ve had, 11 weeks of online gathering, reminding ourselves of how much we can be powerful and impactful, as we share together.

I wanna thank you for being a part of this, I’d like to invite you not only to participate this next Wednesday at 10 a.m, but invite someone to come and join us in this experience. I’ll have to tell you, this has encouraged me and enriched me and this kind of unique experience we’ve had, in the pandemic. I hope it’s been that way for you, Gob bless you.

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