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Celebration and Sadness

Easter is a time for celebration for Christians. On this holy occasion, we join in a unique sense of worship in order to have a refreshing reminder that Jesus Christ overcame death through His resurrection power over death itself. That is a cause worthy of celebration.

Rarely does Easter fall on the silly holiday called April Fool’s Day, but this year that is the case. For those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the risen Lord, this Easter Sunday is April’s Fools Day. “For the fool has said in his heart there is no God” (Ps. 14:1). The thought of this statement brings sadness to my heart. Knowing that people who do not know the Christ of Easter is a reminder of our need to reach them with the Gospel.

This Holy Week reminds us of all that Jesus did on the cross and what the empty tomb means for us as followers of Christ. In addition to all of these reflections, Alabama Baptists are mourning the passing of a statesmanlike leader in David Potts, president of Judson College. Dr. Potts led Judson for 28 years in an exemplary way. I counted him as a close friend and encouraging partner in ministry. I miss his infectious smile and his winsome spirit already. Because of the resurrection of Christ, David Potts and all other believers have an eternal hope. That brings comfort in our time of sorrow.

During this Holy Week, the sad news of yet another Christian leader experiencing a self-described moral failure brought home the sobering fact that the Devil is still on the prowl seeking to tarnish the witness of Christians. My working relationship with this visible leader made the impact even more pronounced in my life. The sadness of his family must be indescribable.

Yet, the mourning of the death of a friend and partner in ministry and the moral failure of another colleague does not eclipse the celebration of what Christ has done for us. The Devil is strong, but our Lord is unassailably stronger. Evil is present is our world, but our good and great God overcomes any power of such malevolent forces through His resurrection power revealed that morning when “up from the grave He arose.”

As Christians, even amidst our sadness, we can celebrate Easter because we know how all things end. We know that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He “is the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb 12:2). Let us celebrate no matter how sad we may feel.

Rick Lance
1 Corinthians 4:1-2

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